About Me

A head shot of Tyson Riskas

My name is Tyson Riskas, and I have been dedicated to education since 2016. I began my academic career as an adjunct instructor of Social Media Marketing at Ensign College, transitioning from a diverse background in industry. After two years at Ensign College, I pursued a Ph.D. and secured a position as a full-time assistant professor of Business Management at Salt Lake Community College. I taught there until I completed my Ph.D. and joined Utah Valley University as an Assistant Professor of Information Systems.

Before transitioning to academia, I gained extensive management experience across various sectors, including startups, retail, healthcare, and my own entrepreneurial ventures. I hold an undergraduate degree from Utah Valley University, an MBA from the University of Utah, and a Ph.D. in Career and Technical Education from Utah State University.

Current Courses Taught / Teaching

In my teaching, I strive to equip students with both technical and employability skills that will serve them throughout their education and into their careers. One of my primary goals is for students to critically examine their perspectives and worldviews, applying their learning to real-life situations. I aim to develop students who can solve complex, high-level problems and become better global citizens and critical thinkers. By fostering critical assessment skills, I believe my students will be prepared to handle any situation they encounter.

Encompasses two software applications, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SQL Server, from a business perspective.
Examines professional and ethical issues within the information systems and information technology fields with a global perspective.

Introduces the concepts, practices, and ethics of health informatics. Includes a survey of current health care information systems.

Research / Research Opportunities / Undergraduate Research

My research focuses on innovative quantitative and qualitative approaches to developing college and career skills in online and face-to-face learning environments. My primary aim is to identify and implement strategies that equalize outcomes across these delivery methods, thereby enhancing educational inclusivity and accessibility for marginalized and underrepresented groups.

My research agenda centers on the following key questions:

  1. What are the most effective learning strategies in online versus face-to-face classrooms?
  2. How can we foster student autonomy to increase self-determination and engagement?
  3. What methods can create more equitable learning environments in both online and traditional classroom settings?
  4. How can experiential learning techniques be utilized to mitigate test-taking anxiety?
  5. How are Artificial Intelligence technologies applied in human working environments?

To address these questions, I plan to employ a mixed-methods approach, incorporating surveys, in-depth interviews, and classroom observations. My research will be grounded in action research principles, focusing on practical solutions to real-world educational challenges.

As a business educator, I bring a unique pedagogical perspective that bridges academic theory with practical application. This background positions me to contribute valuable insights to any department I join.

My goal is to publish one peer-reviewed paper annually over the next 3-5 years, contributing to the body of knowledge on effective and inclusive educational practices. Ultimately, I believe that quality education should be accessible to all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.


Hill, P. A., Ali, A. D., Narine, L. K., Schmutz, A. T., Riskas, T. M., & Spielmaker, D. M. (2022). Evaluating Utah’s Rural Online Initiative: Empowering Organizational Leaders Through Remote Work. The Journal of Extension, 60(3), Article 12. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.60.03.12

Riskas, Tyson M., “Program Evaluation of Online and Face-to-Face College and Career Readiness and its Effect on Degree Utilization in Community College Graduates” (2024). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Fall 2023 to Present. 100.


No current lab opportunities or projects at the moment